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372 Hollandview Trail, Suite 205, Aurora
Ontario, Canada L4G 0A5
Tel: 905.235.0360
Fax: 905.726.2121

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

 (in chronological order)

  1. Erb GE, Edwards HE, Jenkins KL, Mucklow LC, and KE Wynne-Edwards (1993)  Induced components in the spontaneous ovulatory cycle of the Djungarian hamster (Phodopus campbelli).  Physiology and Behaviour 54: 955-959.
  2. Edwards HE and KE Wynne-Edwards (1994) Spontaneous termination of pseudopregnancy in the Djungarian hamster, Phodopus campbelli. Hormones and Behaviour 28: 165-180.
  3. Edwards HE, Jenkins KL, Mucklow LC, Erb GE, and KE Wynne-Edwards (1994)  Endocrinology of the pregnant Djungarian hamster, Phodopus campbelli.  Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 101: 1-8. 
  4. Edwards HE, Reburn CJ, and KE Wynne-Edwards (1995) Daily patterns of pituitary prolactin secretion and their role in regulating maternal serum progesterone concentrations in the pregnant Djungarian hamster, Phodopus campbelli. Biology of Reproduction 52: 814-823.
  5. Edwards HE, Tweedy C, Terranova PF, Lisk RD and KE Wynne-Edwards (1997)  Reproductive aging in the Djungarian hamster, Phodopus campbelli: Biology of Reproduction 52 (4): 814-823.
  6. Edwards HE, Burnham WM and NJ MacLusky  (1997) Roles of estrogen and progesterone in the acquisition of epileptiform activity in the limbic system:  Implications for women with catamenial epilepsy. Abstract & Poster, Society of Neuroscience Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.
  7. Edwards HE, Burnham WM and NJ MacLusky (1999)  Limbic seizures alter reproductive function in the female rat.  Epilepsia 40: 1370-1377.
  8. Edwards HE, Burnham WM and NJ MacLusky (1999)  Focal and generalized seizures differentially affect reproductive function in the male rat.  Epilepsia 40: 1490-498.
  9. Edwards HE, Burnham WM and NJ MacLusky  (1999) Steroid hormones affect afterdischarge thresholds and kindling rates in the limbic system in adult female rats.  Brain Research 838 (1-2): 136-150.
  10. Edwards HE, Burnham WM, and NJ MacLusky (1999)  Testosterone and its metabolites affect amygdaloid afterdischarge thresholds and rates of development of kindled seizures in the adult male rat.  Brain Research 838 (1-2) 151-157.
  11. Edwards HE, MacLusky NJ, Burnham WM (2000) Epileptic seizures:  Do they cause reproductive dysfunction? University of Toronto Medical Journal 77(2): 104-111.
  12. Edwards HE, Epps TL, Carlen PL, and NJ MacLusky  (2000) Progestin receptor responses are critical for progesterone’s anticonvulsant effect in tetanized, but not untetanized, hippocampal slices in vitro.  Neuroscience 101(4): 895-906.
  13. Edwards HE, MacLusky NJ, Burnham WM (2000)  Effect of seizures on reproductive function in the rat.  Neuroscience and Biobehavioural Reviews 24: 753-762.
  14. Edwards HE, Mo V, MacLusky NJ (2001)  Gonadectomy unmasks the protective effect of progesterone on amygdala kindled seizures in adult male rats.  Brain Research 889: 271-274.
  15. Edwards HE, Burnham WM (2001) The impact of corticosteroids on the developing animal.  Pediatric Research 50 (4): 433-40.
  16. Edwards HE, Dortok D, Tam J, Won D, Burnham WM (2002)  Prenatal stress alters afterdischarge thresholds and development of kindled seizures in infant and adult rats.  Hormones and Behaviour 42(4): 437-447.
  17. Edwards HE, Vimal S, Burnham WM (2002) Dose-, time-, age- and sex-response profiles for the anticonvulsant effects of deoxycorticosterone in developing rats. Experimental Neurology 176(2):364-70
  18. Edwards HE, Vimal S, Burnham WM (2002) The influence of ACTH and adrenocorticosteroids on seizure susceptibility in the developing male rat.  Experimental Neurology 175(1):182-90.
  19. Edwards HE, Gronau K, Derzko C (2003) Gynecology:  approach to pharmacologic treatment. In.  NMS Clinical Manual of Medical Drug Therapy.  Pressacco J (Ed.), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishing Co., PA. U.S.  pp. 117-133.
  20. Edwards HE, Vimal S, Burnham WM (2005) The acute anticonvulsant effects of deoxycorticosterone in developing rats:  role of metabolites and mineralocorticoid receptor responses. Epilepsia  46(12): 1888-97.
  21. Young NA, Teskey GC, Henry LC, Edwards HE (2006)  Exogenous antenatal glucocorticoid treatment decreases susceptibility for hippocampal kindled and maximal seizures in infant rats.   Experimental Neurology 198(2): 303-12.
  22. Burnham WM, Edwards HE (2006)  Intractable epilepsy, hormonal and reproductive problems: human and animal studies.  Adv Neurology 97: 351-5.
  23. Wynne-Edwards KE, Edwards HE, Hancock ™ (2013)  The human fetus preferentially secretes corticosterone, rather than cortisol, in response to intra-partum stressors.  PloS One 8 (6) e63684
  24. Giesbrecht GF, Rash JA, Edwards HE, Wynne-Edwards KE (2016)  Full-term deliveries without antecedent labor reveal sex differences in umbilical cord glucocorticoid concentrations.  Pscyhoneuroendocrinology 74: 121-125
  25. Wynne-Edwards KE, Lee K, Zhou R, Edwards HE.  (2019). Sex differences in substrates and clearance products of cortisol and corticosterone synthesis in full-term human umbilical circulation without labor: Substrate depletion matches synthesis in males, but not females.  Psychoneuroendocrinology. Nov;109:104381. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2019.104381. Epub 2019 Jul 18
  26. Edwards HE,, Wynne-Edwards KE (2019) Substrates and clearance products of fetal adrenal glucocorticoid synthesis in full-term human umbilical circulation.  Journal of the Endocrine Societybvz041, https://doi.org/10.1210/jendso/bvz041
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